The LXLogConsoleEndpoint writes Log Entries to the console (stdout).

All Entries sent to this Endpoint are written synchronously. The application will wait for each Log Entry to be printed to the console before continuing execution. This behavior is very helpful when debugging, but may reduce performance compared to the Serial Console, which uses asynchronous behavior.



The following initializers are available for LXLogConsoleEndpoint:

init(minimumLogLevel: dateFormatter: entryFormatter: )


minimumLogLevel Type: LXLogLevel
Default: .All
The minimum Priority Level a Log Entry must meet to be accepted by this Endpoint
dateFormatter Type: NSDateFormatter
Default: default date formatter
The formatter used by this Endpoint to serialize a Log Entry’s dateTime property to a string
entryFormatter Type: LXLogEntryFormatter
Default: default Entry formatter
The formatter used by this Endpoint to serialize each Log Entry to a string

Returns an initialized Console Endpoint instance.