Rotating File Endpoint
The LXRotatingFileEndpoint
writes Log Entries to a rotating group of files. Developers can specify the number of files to use, and the maximum size a file can reach.
At initialization time, the specified URL will be used to create a group of files, each prepended with an index number. Before writing each Entry, the Endpoint will check if the current file has reached its maximum size, and if so, will rotate to the next file before writing. Each time the Endpoint rotates, it clears the newly selected file and starts from its beginning.
The Rotating File Endpoint is safe to be used in environments featuring concurrency. This Endpoint does some of its work asynchronously to allow better logging performance. Because the Rotating File Endpoint takes advantage of asynchronous technologies, Log Entries written to this Endpoint may not appear until slightly after execution has moved on. In other words, if your application attempts to create a Log Entry directly before it crashes, it may not be delivered before the crash occurs. While debugging your application, if the asynchronous nature of this Endpoint is problematic, consider using a synchronous Console Endpoint in addition.
The following initializers are available for LXRotatingFileEndpoint
init?(baseURL: numberOfFiles: maxFileSizeKiB: minimumPriorityLevel: dateFormatter: entryFormatter: )
baseURL |
Type: NSURL? Default: see below |
The URL used to build the rotating file set’s file URLs; see description below |
numberOfFiles |
Type: UInt Default: 5 |
The number of files to be used in the rotation |
maxFileSizeKiB |
Type: UInt Default: 1024 |
The maximum file size of each file in the rotation, specified in kilobytes |
minimumPriorityLevel |
Type: LXPriorityLevel Default: .All |
The minimum Priority Level a Log Entry must meet to be accepted by this Endpoint |
dateFormatter |
Type: LXDateFormatter Default: .standardFormatter() |
The formatter used by this Endpoint to serialize a Log Entry’s dateTime property to a string |
entryFormatter |
Type: LXEntryFormatter Default: .standardFormatter() |
The formatter used by this Endpoint to serialize each Log Entry to a string |
This Endpoint writes Log Entries to a set of files specified by baseURL
, with each file’s name automatically prepended with an index number indicating its place in the rotation. If the specified file cannot be opened, or if the index-prepended URL evaluates to nil
, the initializer may fail.
If omitted, the URL defaults to {AppSupport}/{bundleID}/logs/{number}_log.txt
, where {AppSupport}
is the system-determined Application Support directory, {bundleID}
is the host application’s bundleIdentifier
string, and {number}
is the index of the currently selected file.
As an example, if an LXRotatingFileEndpoint
is initialized with its default parameter values, it will create a set of files in Application Support/{bundleID}/logs/
named 1_log.txt
, 2_log.txt
, 3_log.txt
, 4_log.txt
, and 5_log.txt
Returns an initialized Rotating File Endpoint instance if successful, or nil
if the file cannot be accessed.